Acting for Our Community

At Alpha Cleaning, we are glad that we have been able to support MMHA by helping the beneficiaries to restart school in a fresh and clean environment

Mauritius Mental Health Association (MMHA) looks after 113 beneficiaries who are mentally handicapped. The organisation was formed in 1958 as an NGO and in 1974 MMHA was officially recognised by the Mauritian Government through an Act of Parliament.

Together, we can make the world a better place

#actingforourcommunity #lifemadebetter #ourchildren #csrinitiative 💙









The Mauritius Mental Health Association looks send their heart full thanks to you and your
company (Alpha Cleaning). Our beneficiaries will start school in a pleasant environment.

The cleaning was perfect. Thanks to the super team who was here. The school is very clean and ready to welcome all the beneficiaries on Monday.

Géraldine L’ECLUSE-AMEER, Secretary at MMHA